Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Early Concepts

Wearable Camera with Emotional Sensing Technology
This concept consists of two parts. A camera is worn around the neck and a watch is worn around the wrist. The watch takes measurements of the user's skin conductivity and their pulse. These readings are used to gauge the emotional state of the person wearing the device. The camera can be shared by different users throughout a night (right) or it could be hung up to capture an event from a stationary or raised vantage point.
From Concepts

Watch used to Control Wearable Camera

The watch in this concept measures the emotional state of the user. The watch can be used to program the camera to take pictures at different times....
1. When the user's heart rate and skin conductivity increase (they are stimulated)
2. At time intervals (ie every 5 minutes or every 10 seconds, etc)
3. At a specific time (when a button on the watch is pressed)
From Concepts

Using Wearable Camera
In this concept the camera itself can be programmed to take pictures and also measures the heart rate using sensors in the chain of the necklace. This eliminates the need for the device on the user's wrist.
From Concepts

Using BlackBerry along with Wearable Camera
Instead of using a secondary device such as a watch, the camera could be paired with a BlackBerry to program and control the camera. Another form is examined here; the camera is clipped to the shirt instead of being held by a string or chain. This also allows the heart rate and skin conductivity to be taken with the same device that the camera is housed in, eliminating the need for a second device.
From Concepts

Emotion Sensing Watch Concept
Sensors are located in the band of the watch. These sensors detect the pulse of the user and their skin conductivity. These two measurements are the best way of observing the emotional state of the user.
From Concepts

Location Tagging Stylus
In this concept, the user is able to leave location tagged messages for their friends. Using this stylus, a message or picture can be written anywhere. The message is tagged to the specific location where it is made. The recipient of the message can see it when looking through their BlackBerry camera. Messages can be for a specific person or can be public for all to view.
From Concepts

Location Tagging Finger Concept
This concept works on the same principle as the stylus (above) but takes a different form factor. This device fits on the end of the user's finger. It could be on a key-chain or attach directly to a BlackBerry.
From Concepts

Heads Up Display Control Device

This small device would be concealed in the user's pocket while they use their BlackBerry device via a heads up display. It uses an optical track pad to allow the user to scroll around the BlackBerry's operating system. It has buttons around the track pad similar to those found on the BlackBerry device.
From Concepts

Finger Control For Heads Up Display Concept
In this concept, the user rubs their fingers together to control an image, just the track ball allows you to scroll around a BlackBerry screen. The user would view an image of the screen on a heads up display allowing them to be aware of their surroundings while using their BlackBerry.
From Concepts

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