Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Concept Sketches

My goal is to introduce a new device that will help introduce RIM to Generation Y. I will do this by creating a product that will be useful in situations specific to them. It will target the growing need for social networking and communication between large groups of people. Currently the things Generation Y uses to communicate between large groups are service based; typically web applications such as facebook, which can be applied to smartphones. These applications have no location based service to accompany them at this point in time. I plan on designing a device for Generation Y that will incorporate his/her need for social interaction with friends, and give them the ability to leave messages for one other.

These explorative sketches look at different ways that this type of system could be applied to a device for generation Y.

Emotional Sensing and Camera Concepts

In these concepts, emotional outputs from the body such as heart rate and skin conductivity would be measured by the device. It would then react to the user's needs without the user having to "use" the device in the typical sense....
ie. If the user became excited (their heart rate increased) the camera would take a picture for them, allowing them to capture moments that are important to them.
From Concepts

Heads Up Display Concepts

These sketches explore the possibility of attaching a projection device to a pair of glasses that the user wears. The device allows the user to view their BlackBerry screen on the inner surface of their glasses. This concept allows the user to be fully present in their environment while also utilizing the communication functions of their BlackBerry.
From Concepts

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